it is easy when i am painting to get antsy about blank spots of canvas and try to rush it in with color, even if it’s not right, not considered. that sort of fast movement is very different than creating with unplanned but mindful intuition - rushing is more like “thoughtless” rather than “no thought.”
i do the same when i write sometimes. it’s okay to hurry if there’s an urgency to get the words out, it’s totally backwards to do so if it’s just to get it all over with.
don’t rush the things that matter. enjoy the things you say you want to do. focus fully. these are pleasurable activities, painting and writing. these things are, in fact, life. getting lost in methodic concentration will give you a greater satisfaction from doing work alone, regardless of the outcome.
the more often you can be in flow, time becomes paradoxically more precious, and more abundant. the slower you go, the longer you will live.