Have you ever sat so still and quiet that you notice one little red clover mite on the sidewalk? I feel like the last time I saw a bug like that I was a child. They were there the whole time, of course, I just wasn’t paying attention.
I used to tell the girls on my soccer team that they tasted like raspberries. We said they were runaway freckles.
We would crush them with our little fingers. It never felt like a life extinguished. There’s charity in that act of karmic expedition. If I’m a bug in this next life, please crush me, so I can come back as something different. As soon as possible.
I started walking home. I remembered I had dry cleaning and turned around, ran to go get my plum purple slip dress. You never imagine picking up dry cleaning as a child. It can be a chore, or you can notice that things are precious. Only if you treat them that way.
Walking home with a dark and beautiful dress in plastic over my shoulder. I noticed how the sun shines. Isn’t it a miracle?