we have to write hit songs for the alley cats.
we have to say words like “caterwauling.” I have to wail.
when you yell at me I answer in the scared voice of a child.
the day comes to me like a fluff ball from heaven. dandelion.
i’m a little snow angel again. which is
how we must have seemed, years ago, standing in the fields.
mud applied in a mean star to our chests. playing keep away.
that hundred year old house. its ghosts.
hamlet starts with a ghost and that’s the point. that’s why he’s mad.
he’s seen beyond the world and he can’t go back.
not to shamelessly plug or anything but after reading online offline, i decided i might start posting my own journal entries. wondering if you could take a look whenever and lmk if they suck or if it's dumb? https://nosubtext.substack.com/p/12122022